Monday 29 October 2012

React Positively

Sometimes it takes a very big mistake we make in life to transform us into the best of people.
When people make mistakes, react positively.
When we make mistakes, reflect correctly and draw lessons. Don’t repeat a mistake.

Calmness of Heart

The calmness of the heart is a stage beyond mere happiness and that only comes through true worship & remembrance of the Almighty.
When we learn to look at things positively it draws us closer to the Almighty. When we become closer to the Almighty we praise Him upon all conditions andremember Him.When we engage in the remembrance of the Almighty, we attain the calmness of the heart.
May the Almighty grant us both happiness as well as calmness of the heart. May He guide us to look at things positively and to engage in His Praise & remembrance upon all conditions.

Budget Correctly

“To budget correctly is half of success in one’s livelihood” We are taught to strike the correct balance between our income and expenditure, ensuring we do not spend unnecessarily or extravagantly. Not adjusting our lifestyle downwards when our income drops or prices rise, can have serious effects on ourcontentment, marriages and even our mental condition. Living simply makes it easy to adjust to all conditions.

On a Joyful Day

On a day of joy we should reflect upon our spiritual condition & remember the less fortunate, the elderly, the sick, the homeless, the oppressed, the disabled & the deceased. We should consider ourselves blessed & be thankful to the Almighty. We should resolve to eradicate our evil qualities & bad habits. We should forgive others as far as possible & mend broken relations amongst us. We should be kind to our parents & family members & exchange a good word! Have a Blessed Day!

Coping with Failure and Loss

After having tried our best, our failure in examinations, in marriage, in a business or in any test is not the end of the world.
Countess people have been there before us, picked up the pieces, tried again and succeeded. Some have even succeeded after many attempts and have gone a very long way thereafter.
It is those who refuse to come to terms with reality who punish themselves by believing that such losses are eternal.This leads to their lives coming to a standstill whilst others progress, and causes depression which results in further loss.
Most people have tasted loss or failure in some aspect of their lives to different degrees. This can be a gift at times as the Almighty gives us something far better in return or helps us to mature and draw closer to Him, understanding our purpose in life better.
Never allow failure or loss to deter you, depress you or make you feel unworthy. Give it your best and try again and again, and if need be……again!
With the help of the Almighty comes true success!

Paradise with ease

Constantly bearing in mind that we are answerable to our Maker for every single thing we say, do or earn, will make us the purest of people. This would then create a barrier between us & the wrath of the Almighty & would lead us into paradise with ease.
This is the explanation of the word “TAQWA” which is repeated so often in the Noble Qur’aan. Such consciousness would not allow us to engage in anything unacceptable.

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