The White Days [al-ayyâm al-bîd] or “the white ones” [al-bîd] is an abbreviated way of referring to “the days of the white nights” [ayyâm al-layâli-l bîd], which correspond to the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth of every lunar month.
This term came into being as the said nights are brightly illuminated by the moon, which is then at or near full visibility. In his work entitled Adab al-Katib, the lexicologist and grammarian Ibn Qutaiba (d. ca. 270 AH) states:
Fasting Three Days Every Month
From amongst the meritorious voluntary fasts is fasting three days each month. Sayyiduna Abu Huraira (may Allah
be pleased with him) has narrated:
Imam Al-Nasa’i (may Allah
elevate his status) reports the following in his collection:
Sayydina-sh shaikh Muhyiddin ‘Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (may Allah
illuminate his resting abode) quotes in his Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq the following two narrations:
* On the authority of Sayyiduna Hudhaifa (may Allah
be pleased with him), Allah
’s Messenger (Allah
bless him and give him peace) once said:
* From ash-Sha’bi (may Allah
bestow his mercy upon him):
Fasting “The White Days” Every Month
In addition to the above-mentioned general Prophetic narrations [ahadith] about fasting three days every month, there are other narrations that single out “the white days” in particular for voluntary fasting.
Sayyiduna Jarir b. ‘Abdu-Llah (may Allah
be pleased with him) narrated that Allah
’s Messenger (upon him be blessings and peace) once said:
Note: The truth and reality of this statement and the earlier one from Sayyiduna Jarir is confirmed by Allah
(eminent is His Glory) in his revealed verse “If someone produces a good deed, he shall have ten just like it (to his credit).” [6:161]
Imam Al-Tirmidhi (may Allah
elevate his status) reports the following in his collection:
Sayyiduna Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah
be pleased with him and his father) is reported as having said:
’s Messenger (upon him be blessings and peace) never failed to fast during ‘the white days’ [al-ayyâm al-bîd], regardless of whether he was on a journey or at home.”
Sayydina-sh shaikh Muhyiddin ‘Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (may illuminate his resting abode) states in his Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq the following two athar that should raise the aspiration [himma] of every believing man and woman.
* Shaikh Abu Nasr (Muhammad b. Al-Banna’) has informed us, on good traditional authority, that the following saying can be traced back to ‘Ali b. Al-Husain b. ‘Ali b. Abi Talib (may Allah
be pleased with him, his father and grandfather):
* Transmitted by ‘Abdu-l Malik b. Harun b. ‘Antara, on the authority of his father, Harun, who told ‘Abdu-l Malik that his grandfather, ‘Antara, had said:
Antara then went on to say:
The White Days and Crime
Full moon days have been traditionally associated with a myriad of effects on human behaviour. It has led to the rise of a theory known as the “Lunar Effect” or “Transylvanian hypothesis”. Critics and sceptics dismiss it as “pseudo-scientific” as they find claims of a correlation of lunar phases to human behaviour as exaggerated or simply not holding up under scientific scrutiny.
Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that some of the ardent proponents of this theory are from highly regarded professions. These include policing authorities and medical professionals who witness first-hand the “Lunar Effect” in the course of their jobs. In an article entitled, “Full Moon and Crime” [click to open], Thakur and Sharma wrote:
The incidence of crimes committed on full moon days was much higher than on all other days, new moon days, and seventh days after the full moon and new moon … The increased incidence of crimes on full moon days may be due to “human tidal waves” caused by the gravitational pull of the moon.
— Thakur, C P and Sharma, D. (1984). Full Moon and Crime. British Medical Journal. 289, p1789-1791.
Regardless of which side one takes in the “Lunar Effect” debate, it is worthwhile for Muslims to reflect on it. In a subtle way, this debate should strengthen one’s conviction that every sunna of the beloved Prophet (Allah
bless him and give him peace) has a hidden wisdom and a higher reality.
For those of us who believe in the “Lunar Effect” theory, it behoves us to assiduously embrace the practice of fasting during the “White Days”. It is the ideal way to keep in restraint the passionate desires [hawa] and the lunatic-self [nafs].
Similarly, for the sceptics and critics, the mere possibility of the theory being true (as it has not been decisively rubbished) should encourage them to observe the fasts during the “White Days” with renewed vigour.
And Allah
and His Messenger know best.
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