Below is a specific dua (Ruqyah) (protective and healing supplications) which has been given by the Ulema from Daarul Uloom, Bury (one of the most prestigious Madaaris in the UK). It is an antidote for all illnesses and is particularly apt in this time, due to the spread of Swine Flu.
Some people maybe apprehensive to the method presecribed and might suggest that where is the evidence from the hadith etc… However, although specific prescription may not be mentioned in a hadith, it a formula prescribed by the learned scholars who are the inheritors of the prophets and they would not prescribe anything which is against the Shariah. So the dua is valid as long as it does not contain any shirk (association with Allah
InshaAllah the cure and protection is from Allah
, and this prescription is just a means to that cure.
(note: when blowing ensure that some saliva goes into the water or honey)
Prayer for protection and cure from all illnesses The same prayer applies for Muslims and Non-Muslims; Allah
will inshallah (God willing ) cure/protect them from illnesses including swine flu – Ameen
The procedure below should be followed precisely and then one should blow on a glass of water and drink it or blow on a tablespoon of honey and lick it .
(A) Recite three times any Durud Sharif (Salutation) upon Prophet Muhammad
, example below:
Translation: O Allah
, bestow your blessings upon the unlettered Prophet and upon his family; and bestow your Mercy upon him and his family
Transliteration: Allahumma Salle ‘Alaa Muhammadinin Nabiyyil Ummiyyi wa-’Alaa Aalehi wa-sallim Tasleeyma
(B) Recite three times Surah Al-FatiHah of the Quran (Surah 1 below):
In the Name of Allah
, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
• Praise be to Allah
, Lord of the universe.
• Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
• Master of the Day of Judgment.
• You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help.
• Guide us in the right path;
• the path of those whom you blessed, not of those who have deserved your wrath nor those who have gone astray (Ameen)
• Praise be to Allah
• Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
• Master of the Day of Judgment.
• You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help.
• Guide us in the right path;
• the path of those whom you blessed, not of those who have deserved your wrath nor those who have gone astray (Ameen)
• Al-Hamdu-lillaahi Rabbil-`alameen
• Ar-RaHmaanir-RaHeem
• Maliki yowmid-deen
• Iyyaka na`budu wa ‘iyyaaka nasta`iyn
• Ihdinas-siraatal-mustaqeem
• Siraatalladheena ‘an `amta `alayhim
• Ghuyril-maghdubi `alayhim wa lad-dwaalleen (Ameen)
• Al-Hamdu-lillaahi Rabbil-`alameen
• Ar-RaHmaanir-RaHeem
• Maliki yowmid-deen
• Iyyaka na`budu wa ‘iyyaaka nasta`iyn
• Ihdinas-siraatal-mustaqeem
• Siraatalladheena ‘an `amta `alayhim
• Ghuyril-maghdubi `alayhim wa lad-dwaalleen (Ameen)
(C) Recite 131 times the following:
Translation: O Giver of Peace!
Transliteration: Yaa Salaamu
(D) Recite 3 times the following:
Translation: O Allah
, I seek your refuge from insanity, mutilation, leprosy and from all serious illnesses.
Transliteration: Allahumma Inni Aa-oothu-bika minal jonoo-ni wal-juthami wal-barasi wassayi-il-asqaam.
(E) Recite 78 times the following:
Translation: O The One who encompasses everything!
Transliteration: Yaa MuHeetu
(F) Repeat three times any Durud Sharif (Salutation) upon Prophet Muhammad
Translation: O Allah
, bestow your blessings upon the unlettered Prophet and upon his family; and bestow your Mercy upon him and his family
Transliteration: Allahumma Salle ‘Alaa Muhammadinin Nabiyyil Ummiyyi wa-’Alaa Aalehi wa-sallim Tasleeyma
The above procedure should be followed precisely and then one should blow on a glass of water and drink it or blow on a tablespoon of honey and lick it .
Inshallah Allah
will cure and protect – Ameen
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